Monday, June 26, 2006

More Nederland...can't get enough of this place!!1

Here's a pic of Eldora ski area and the continental divide from the Trail of Neverending Horse Poop. Jaime and I went on a trail we never rode before. We found lots of sand and lots of horse poop. Did I mention we rode over a lot of horse poop?

Here I am riding down one of the Hobbit trails. Its too bad Jaime missed my Pete Rose head first over the handlebars fall a few yards before this picture.

Jaime riding down a nice technical section of the "trail before pizza and beer" as I like to call it.

And like after the last time we rode in Ned...we ended up at Backcountry Pizza for a few slices and a beer after the ride before heading down the canyon. This time they had Kona Longboard Lager on tap (from Maui). mmmmmm....

Friday, June 23, 2006

Let the Beer Runs FLOW...

Last night we had a doubleheader and easily won the first game. The second game was against the best team in the league and we were shorthanded and played with only 3 in the outfield. Needless to say, the other team scored 15 runs in the top half of the first inning. No critical errors on Beer Runs part, the other team just dinked and donked singles every at bat. Even the girls on their team were hitting great.

Then we came up to bat...Kirk started it off with a home run. Then the Beer Runs flowed. After the first inning the score was 15-4. Then after the 2nd it was 15-11. During the 3rd inning we went ahead something like 16-18. The other team went ahead in the top of the 4th, 19-18. But we came back to win 21-19 in the bottom of the inning. Time expired and we won. An amazing game!!!

We never gave up and just keep pounding away at the hits and runs. Great defense too (well after the 1st inning we really got cooking). Shit we might just win this league.