Monday, March 19, 2007

Middle of March

This is why I love Colorado...what amazing weather we had this weekend. Mid 70's both Saturday and Sunday made for some fun times outside.

Sunday ride from the old Farm garage to Teller Farm and up to the watertower and back home.

Teller Farm is the epitome of open space in Boulder many different types of users out yesterday (walkers with kids & dogs, runners, bikers, and horseback riders). Really cool. I waved to just about everyone but only a few people waved back...I found that to be interesting in itself. Again the nicest people were the horseback riders. If you don't get along with these people you seriously need to check yourself.

Well mark that up as another 20 mile ride for me. I kept thinking to myself in a few months I'm going to be doing a 22 mile mountain bike ride and then go run 5 miles. Legs aren't quite ready for the bike to run transition yet. In fact the first mile of the run will probably the most interesting part for me (well other than I'll be riding down Baldy and not up). I can't wait to see how my legs react.

In other news...the Lafayette dog park is open. Great big park and close to home!!!!1

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sky Blue Sky - Wilco

How amazing has 2007 been so far? First Kings of Leon and now an equally great Wilco album!!! Things always come in 3's so the Guns 'n' Roses - Chinese Democracy is gonna be great, eh.

Songs that have a hold on me so far:

Impossible Germany:

This was still new to me
I wouldn't understand
Impossible Germany
Unlikely Japan
This is what love is for
To be out of place
Gorgeous and alone
Face to face

Either Way, Please Be Patient With Me, Side with the Seeds, Hate it Here...
On and On and On

...have you ever had that preminition that someone is writing music about exactly how you are feeling? **looks around for Jeff Tweedy** What's up Jeff?

This album is way better than the inaugural 2007 ride. **Marshall Mesa** So I'm not gonna write about it and decided to write about Wilco instead. Who's up for a ride tomorrow and Sunday? Yeah buddy!!!1