Sunday, December 24, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
A Cowboys Prayer
"When I was in Austin, all alone in the Driskill hotel, dreaming about Fruita and the Black Bike, missing family and friends, I recieved this prayer on the pillow of my turned down bed.
Oh, Lord, I reckon I'm not much by myself;
I fail to do alot of things I ought to do,
but Lord, when trails are steep and the pass is high,
help me ride it straight the whole way through,
and in the falling dusk I get the final call,
I do not care how many flowers they send,
above all else the happiest trail will before you to say to me,
"Let's Ride, My Friend"
Roy Rogers, 1911-1998
I thought that was pretty cool- enough to share it with you guys. So the next time we all ride together you'll understand the stupid grin on my face. J F R""
The Decemberists at The Paramount - 11-14-06
The Decemberists are highly recommended so go check them out.
Monday, November 13, 2006
11-18-07 - Marshall Mesa
After the ride, we headed over to the Old Louisville Inn for a few beers. Nothing like a half & half and a burger after a ride. Good stuff!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Goals...and the journey towards them.
Monday, November 06, 2006
11-4/5/6-06 Fruita: kokopelli trails
Saturday morning we headed over to "Over the Edge" bikeshop for a looksee. Peter ran into his best buddy, Tater Tot. In case you've never met Tater Tot he's known around town as the mayor. "Buddy"! After Pete got a few hugs and a few "you're funny!!" from tater we were off to the Loma exit.
Since this was my first time to Fruita I didn't know what to expect. Here's a few pics of what the scenery and trail system was like.
Horsethief Bench was by far my favorite trail. Fast trails!!! We did Mary's and Steve's loop and the handcuffs(???). I ran into some what would seem not so technical bike trouble but it almost ruined my day, literally. I was having trouble getting in and out of my pedals. And I had a slow leaking front tire. Then it happened. I was unable to get out of my pedals trying to get over a rock and I fell towards the exposure. Feet went up and over my head. Luckily a big rock enbedded into my back and stopped me from rolling. I was more scared of going over the edge than anything else. What's a few bumps and bruises compared to a 300 foot bellyflop into the Colorado River, right? Nothing a few Boneyard Brews couldn't cure.
Sunday we headed over to the Bookcliffs. Rode up Prime Cut and then down some trail more suited for BMX bikes than mountain bikes but it was some fun shit nonetheless. After the ride we headed back into town. Out of nowhere Tater appeared and gave Pete some more hugs and kisses. I'm laughing as I write this.
So what's the deal with all the females in Fruita? Why is it that there are as many female riders as males? Why can't this happen closer to home, folks? Ladies what's up?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Meyers Homestead 10-15-06
On my way down I ran into a coyote. He moved off the trail about 20 feet. That was the first time I've gotten that close to a coyote.
Enjoy the pics!!
Hall Ranch - 10-7-06
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Coulson's Gulch
Anyway, Coulson's Gulch is about 15 miles northwest of Lyons. From the trailhead we went down the trail about 900 vertical feet or so to the creek. Its a fun steep downhill but cause of all the raiin yesterday it sure was loose. We proceeded to cross the first bridge when 2 bikers came from the other direction. They told us that they came down through the next valley over. We thought Coulson's Gulch was an out and back but we changed our plans quickly after learning we could make it a loop. The bikers advised us not to do it because part of the ride was unrideable uphill. But we decided to make our way anyway...
...we continued along the creek and then we headed back into the valley. It was a super skinny singletrack but the ground was somewhat loose. Jamie and I rode as much of the uphill as we could. Once we got to the super steep section we hiked the bikes. It probably took us a good 30 minutes to hike up the steep section. From the maps it looks like from the creek it was about 1,500 vertical feet uphill back to the 4x4 road.
Then we were able to ride most of the remaining section to get out of the valley. At the top the trail goes to a double wideroad down to a 4x4 road. We rode the 4x4 road back to the trail head. But the 4x4 road was fun too. Lots of fun bumps and ruts made by all the 4-wheelers, motorcycles, and off road trucks.
Next time well try the loop in the other direction & bring the camera. All in all it took us about 3 hours. But next time more of the trail will be downhill.
Monday, July 24, 2006
July 23, 2006 - Walker Ranch (no not super walker)

Jamie and I headed up to Walker Ranch yesterday morning. We got a late start cause Jamie wanted to sleep in after drinking the night before. Hahahaha...anyway, it was quite warm yesterday but nonetheless a beautiful day for a ride.
We rode Walker in the counter-clockwise direction. To me that is the better way to ride this loop. You get the benefit of riding the long single track downhill and then hike down the hike-a-bike and a fun but hard steep uphill (if you like that kinda thing). The incline slope on this uphill just never seems to quit.
The ride was only about 2 hours long. We rode the first half of the ride faster than we had previously, but the second part still kick us hard.

Monday, July 17, 2006
Buffalo Creek again, but no time for pics...
"75 and still kicking it up Baldy Trail"
"Do you know what Kobe beef is?"
"Fuck you Baldy!!1"
Well Jamie and I made it down to Buffalo Creek again for another amazing 20+ mile ride. While it was 100 degrees plus on the front range the heat wasn't so bad at 8500 feet. In fact the first half of our ride (543 to Tramway to the CO trail to Green Mountain) was mostly under tree cover. Speaking of Green Mountain, that trail was a real "hoot". Lots of fun ups with short steep climbs and a fantastic downhill with ever changing scenery. There was even a short section through some aspens. Lots of fun, folks.
Then we made our way back over to the Gashouse Trailhead and ate a PB and J. There was 2 older gentlemen riding in front of us. And when I mean older I mean like early 70's. I was really impressed and hope to be riding when I'm that age.
Then down Gashouse which was really, really loose cause of the rain from the weekend before. But don't get me wrong Gashouse is a blast. Fun downhill!!1. Then up to my old nemesis, BALDY!!1 Well, I did quite well up Baldy yesterday. There is nothing technical about Baldy but after riding 12-15 miles it can kick your ass. After a short "Fuck you Baldy" and a middle finger jesture back to the trail we were off to Miller's Gulch.
Jamie got the directions wrong again, even with his 7 maps, but luckily I was there to lead us in the right direction again. Bah!!!1 A short stretch on Miller's leads right to Charlie's Cutoff. Charlie's was another great downhill run. Buffalo Creek is just that great. It rewards you with some really fun downhill after an up. Charlie's took us right to Sandy Wash and down, down, down we went back to the 543.
Between Charlie's and Sandy Wash we rolled downhill for a good 30 minutes.
So do you know what Kobe beef is? Well let me tell you its massaged beef. And when you add cheese, peppered bacon, and grilled onions its really what its all about. Kola's restaurant is open and a great place for a beer and burger after a long ride.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Mesa Trail 7-4-06
Bode out of gas on the ride back home.
Buffalo Creek 7-3-06
Jaime on the Colorado Trail.
Views from the Gashouse Trail.
Monday, June 26, 2006
More Nederland...can't get enough of this place!!1
Here's a pic of Eldora ski area and the continental divide from the Trail of Neverending Horse Poop. Jaime and I went on a trail we never rode before. We found lots of sand and lots of horse poop. Did I mention we rode over a lot of horse poop?
Here I am riding down one of the Hobbit trails. Its too bad Jaime missed my Pete Rose head first over the handlebars fall a few yards before this picture.
Jaime riding down a nice technical section of the "trail before pizza and beer" as I like to call it.
And like after the last time we rode in Ned...we ended up at Backcountry Pizza for a few slices and a beer after the ride before heading down the canyon. This time they had Kona Longboard Lager on tap (from Maui). mmmmmm....
Friday, June 23, 2006
Let the Beer Runs FLOW...
Then we came up to bat...Kirk started it off with a home run. Then the Beer Runs flowed. After the first inning the score was 15-4. Then after the 2nd it was 15-11. During the 3rd inning we went ahead something like 16-18. The other team went ahead in the top of the 4th, 19-18. But we came back to win 21-19 in the bottom of the inning. Time expired and we won. An amazing game!!!
We never gave up and just keep pounding away at the hits and runs. Great defense too (well after the 1st inning we really got cooking). Shit we might just win this league.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Oh Ned!!1 Sunday 5-28-06
Friday, May 26, 2006
Beer-run rain-out!!!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Heil Ranch 5-24-06
My ride posing for the camera...
Pete and his ride...
Turbo on the final home stretch...
Friday, May 19, 2006
The Avocado Album

Track listing:
1. Life Wasted
2. World Wide Suicide
3. Comatose
4. Severed Hand
5. Marker In The Sand
6. Parachutes
7. Unemployable
8. Big Wave
9. Gone
10. Wasted Reprise
11. Army Reserve
12. Come Back
13. Inside Job
Its too bad Eddie claimed that "there ain'g gonna be any middle anymore" because that's exactly where The Avocado album fits. Right smack dab in the middle of nowhere, with a few exceptions of course. To me PJ is at its best when the lyrics are about personal struggles. Whether it be love lost or personal conflict with one's past there is no better songwriter than Ed. No one. But Ed's lyrics lack substance and are not convincing when his lyrics step into the ring of social and world politics. I'll take the internal conflict songs like Inside Job, Life Wasted, Unemployable, Gone, and Severed Hand over Ed's political mumbo jumbo.
Since I can make up my own mind about war and social issues, let's not talk about them here. Instead let's get back to the best songs of the new album. The one song I just can't stop listening to is Inside Job. Mike and Eddie nailed this one. A song like Inside Job is what makes Pearl Jam one of my favorite bands. The lyrics are literally about Mike's internal struggles with Crohn's disease over the past decade. Ed knows how to convey the pain and sacrifice of the words into positive light. Amazing.
My other favs are Life Wasted - great opener, Unemployable, and Severed Hand. Gone is another fantastic song which is getting a bad rap. Gone is an amazing mixture of influences directly from Pete Townshend and even more obviously from Bruce Springsteen. Ed describes the loneliness and desolation of driving alone in such gambling towns as Atlantic City.
I'm not one to rank albums. Thankfully or otherwise I might have to rank this one near the bottom. Instead I tend to seek out songs on albums that I like. And on the other hand I'm not afraid to discard songs I dislike. Unfortunately, this has been the trend with PJ's last two albums, Riot Act and The Avocado album. Luckily for me, Ed still has a way to connect to my inner feelings which is the reason I've loved this band for so long. Hopefully by the next album the war will be over and PJ can get back to being PJ and not some sortof half full political band.
Beer-run wins BIG!!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Pearl Jam...on tour now
Can't wait until July 2nd...PJ & Tom Petty...w00t, w00t.
i want to breathe
follow the scene
i want to taste
everyone i see
i want to run when i'm up high
i want to run into the sea
i only want life to be...
i just want to be...
i will feel alive as long as i am free...
what it is - the beginning
Anywhooaaa, "what it is" is a celebration of adventures and journeys throughout this life and who knows maybe even the next one.
Here's a few pics from recent places to kick things off.
Surfing in Maui...what an amazing trip...
...skiing in Winter Park on a perfect blue bird day after 12" of powder...
...more to come. Be still.