2 days a week on the 29er SingleSpeed burns enough calories to feed a village in Africa or something like that. The SS bikes might be cheap but all the food you need to replenish your body and smaller clothes can get expensive. I weighed myself for the first time in about 6 months. Damn where did my waist go??
Well I started my diet Saturday morning at Centennial Cone Park in Golden. Started in Mayhem Gulch then climbed alot then I climbed some more and then I finished that off with another climb or too. Fun. Fast. and fuckin' SMOOOOOTH!!! Thanks to Tim & Jessica for showing a fellow SSer a great ride.
Sunday ...back down to Golden and up Poison Oak Gulch and then played around over at Apex on the 29er SSes. Fun. Lots of rocks. Fun. I've had enough climbing for the weekend folks. NEED FOOD.
Something, something, and then seeing Jamie and Pete crashing into each other....
...Jamie you wanted some Decemberists...I think "We both go down together" is fitting.
Don't forget Sept. 21st Into the Wild comes out. I can't wait....Sean Penn directing + Eddie Vedder soundtrack = Good stuff.
He flees and walks alone on the land.Two years he walks the earth. Total freedom.http://www.intothewild.com/Isn't this what life is for? Have fun. Challenge yourself. Live. Have fun.
Oh and if anyone ever tells you that you are doing something wrong because its not what everyone else is doing. Keep doing what your doing. "You guys have the wrong bikes for this trail." We SingleSpeed because we can.